FAQ ( Frequently Asked Questions )

Here, Some of the few questions were listed below, as we found these questions were asked frequently or repeatedly.
What is meant by EPGSK in EPGSK Creations ? + -

EPGSKC was started as an ideal friendship of the five friends, named as E.Sai Tarun, P.Gireesh, G.Jai Raj, S.Likhith & K.Viswanadham.

Here, EPGSK represents these five friends.

How can we access to Sadguru Sai page ? + -

We are starting the special page for Instagram handle " Sadguru.Sai ". From our collabrative page .. Users can download the songs, wallpapers and they can also watch some special episodes. It will be open shortly.

How we can get movie logos without a watermark ? + -

You can get the original logo's (without our watermark) by paying minimal charges.

How can we promote our brand in EPGSKC ? + -

You can promote your brand (or) advertise by contacting us.

Why some videos are can't be download from the YouTube video downloader tool ? + -

Make sure you pasted the Public () visible YouTube video link.

Unlisted () and Private () videos are can't be downloaded.

Video link starts with m. (or) any third party sources also can't be downloaded. Make sure you pasted the link is in youtube terms.

YouTube's original content (or) videos ( ) with buy or sell option also can't be downloaded.

Your browser doesn't allows to download. Try in different browser.

Why so, we didn't get EPGSK links on Google search as before ? + -

Recently, We changed our web URL from epgsc to epgsk.

So, It might take some time to reach the audience as before.

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